In addition to the fascinating exhibition of The Greatest Wildlife Photos of the World, we would like to show the work of regional photographers within this year’s theme ” Urban Wildlife”. Urban Wildlife
Focusing on the occupation or coexistence of nature in human-dominated environments, capturing the magic of the everyday or the surprise of the unexpected or the unseen. These images were awarded for their artistic composition, technical innovation and truthful interpretation of the natural world.
Send us your beautiful Urban Wildlife photos that make us look at our planet in a different way. The best photos from the region (the photos can be taken anywhere in the world) will be displayed as a separate part next to the official exhibition in De Nieuwe Kerk Zierikzee from 03 July to 25 Aug 2024.
Deadline for submissions is: June 15th, 2024.
Delivery specifications: Layout 1:1 with 300dpi (jpg) with your name in the file name to: info.photoexhibitions@gmail.